30 min session includes unlimited photos accessible through an online gallery
(your choice of one location)



1 hour session at one location includes unlimited photos accessible through
an online gallery
($100 for additional hour and/or location)



For any big events, parties,
or weddings

Contact me


Do you shoot destination weddings?

I do not have much experience with Weddings therefore I am willing to do them for an affordable price. I have captured two weddings thus far and I know I can capture your greatest memories on your special day!

Will there be a second shooter?

At this time it is just myself. More than likely I can have a second photographer come along at an additional cost.

Can I extend the session on the day of?

Yes, preferably with a few hours notice.

What kind of gear do you use?

Canon EOS R

Do I have to order prints through you?

I am available to print any size up to 8x10 but these do not have to be done by me.

Ready to Begin?